Saturday, January 29, 2005

Annoying Censorship

I don't see why all the music channels feel the need to censor half of a rap song, there is no point to censoring a synonym to a drug or gun. I just watched a video by The Game called How We Do and there is about 150 words blanked out that are by no means swearing, ie purple haze, rocks... can't remember much more, but about 95% of the words that were censored are by no means cursing. I know they have to censor the real swear words (which I am completely opposed to them doing) but I have no idea why they have to censor all this other crap, anyways, we all know what they are saying. I once tried to start a list of all the mindless words the music channels censored in rap videos but I gave up because there were too many, I didn't want to spend the whole video writing words down; I crumpled the paper up and threw it at the TV when they censored the word green, it wasn't even sticky green or something. People are so stupid, no one should be sueing over words like that.


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