Monday, January 16, 2006

What's an intel chip doing in a mac?

Okay, we've all heard the line... a whole lot more than its ever done in a PC. Last week Apple [<3] pulled an unexpected move and threw some intel chips into the iMac and the new macbook, but what does this mean? Apparently these new computers are around five times faster than the previous ones with powerpc chips, but what kind of drm is on these chips, thats what I'm waiting to find out.

I really want to pick up one of these things [but won't for a while due to my lack of expendable cash] so I will continue to drool for now. What I am also interested in is the possibility of running windows quite simply. Now I honestly think that would be blasphemy, I love OSX, but my dad pointed something out to me - what if the only reason a company doesnt buy apple pc's is because they cant run windows? Imagine the possibilities for sales if they can run windows as well as osx at full capacity.

Does anyone have one of them yet? what do you think of it?


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