Friday, November 11, 2005


Today I was reading my dad's blog and I came across this post about google, and if you would pay for google, such as $5 per month. I don't know about you, but this would be quite a predicament, but in the end I would probably give in and pay for this great service.

In my dad's post he links back to another blogger who is trying to give up google for a week, to me this is a seemingly impossible task, I use google for everything. If I need to find a company I google it, If I need to find anything I google it. Google has become a cultural icon, how many companies like google get mentioned in mainstream media? The list of shows that make reference to Google is endless, and includes such names as The Simpsons, Arrested Development, and House [to name only a few]. They turned their name into a verb, and have done most of this with almost no marketing. I don't know who said it, but google is every company's homepage - if I am trying to find Sony Canada, I don't just guess URL's until I come to, I just google Sony Canada.

In my opinion, Google is the it, they're what matters. I am more interested in what Google is up to than what the government is, is that wrong?


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