Sunday, February 20, 2005

poor delivery

I am sitting here watching America's Funniest Videos, and I finally realized why I think it sucks. The Host! He is terrible, the lines written for him if they were delivered properly. Every time he screws up a line I think to myself, if it were Jon Stewart saying the lines it would be so funny, so now is when I suggest to the producers of AFV to fire that other guy and hire Jon Stewart, he would make the show funny.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

screwed up

well, it all started today at about 2:30 when I got out of class and I was checking my email, I got this email from a U of W tech person saying something about port 445, or in other words me downloading crap while at school. There was a link on the email for a free anti-virus program, so I downloaded it. This was a huge mistake, in the end it was just a huge pack of spyware, through multiple checks the maximum was like 289 pieces of spyware. It took like 2 hours to get rid of it all. That is my story of adware for the day...


I am obsessed with downloading stuff off the internet, it is so good. In the past week I have d/l'd 5 Gig of files (mostly videos/TV shows). I love it, I got 18 south park episodes, this is great. I also have about 7 filesharing programs that I use, and when I go to school I get an incredible download rate. Currently I suggest Ares and Bitlord as the best d/l'ing programs, Ares is like Kazaa, P2P, and bitlord is a bittorrent client, so good. I suggest getting them both. For the best in d/l'ing info go to Zeropaid and for those 2 programs go to BitLord and AresGalaxy, but there are many other filesharing programs.
Furthermore, this is my way to eliminate cable, I can just d/l the TV show minutes after it airs, im working on this theory so i will get back to you on it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I just got that bookmarking thing going, that, and it is so good. My bookmarks folder used to be so huge and messy, now it is so empty. I started my delicious account yesterday and I now have 182 bookmarks posted. It is such a good idea, now when I get a new computer I just go to the delicious site and see all my bookmarks as opposed to not having them or trying to get them to the new computer, such a good idea, and I thank the geniuses who thought it up.

screw bebo

Ok, screw bebo, what is with that crap? i get like 5 automatic emails a week form this crap about someone updating their address book. its just spam, here is the basic email:

Subject: Updating my address book!
hey, im updating my address book, [link], thanks

and you are supposed to go and put in all your information and update, but in order to you have to sign up yourself, thus spreading the virus even more. screw this.
furthermore, if i got the email then i am in your address book, screw bebo, its useless.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Praise to Television, again. Sorta.

So, its about 12:30, and I have been watching TV since about 8:00, and I have to say, it was a good TV night. It went from a new That 70's Show, to a repeat of That 70's Show, followed by a new Scrubs, then a new Committed, and then there was a small pause where a repeat of Seinfeld was viewed. But that low (I say low because it was a repeat, not because Seinfeld is bad, that is untrue, Seinfeld is great) was followed by a hilarious episode of Chappelle's Show. Then we hit 11:00 and on, repeats of a recent Daily Show, That 70's Show, Futurama/South Park, and now the Simpsons, soon to be followed by King of the Hill. Overall tonight has been a good night for television, mainly due to the fact that I did not run into any reality TV (which I despise, as seen here).

Now is also my chance to praise South Park, I think this is one of the best shows on the planet, right around the fourth grade years (when the shows started getting a point to them, not that they were not funny previously) this show became legendary. I laugh when someone says cartoons are for kids, because this show is incredible, and it always has a great point to it. Today was the metrosexual craze episode, it was so good and they always manage to tackle some great topic and come out with some great discovery. The revelations at the end of the show are great, this show is better than almost anything on TV.

On a side note, the new show, American Dad, is great! It was worth sitting through the cartoon pre-game show which is referred to as the Superbowl. At first I assumed it was Seth McFarlane’s way of getting back at Fox for canceling Family Guy, which would have been good, but it was actually better than I thought. It had many similarities to Family Guy, but it was sufficient on its own, I had also thought it would just be Joe from Family Guy with his own show.

There is also a new plan I am putting out there, bringing back all the old TV shows, all the sitcoms. My disgust for reality TV is known, therefore we need an alternative. This could be either just playing repeats of old shows, or banning reality TV and only allowing sitcoms to be played on air. Reality TV will come in the form of a basic cable package, but if you order this package then your good channels and programming are cancelled so you have to choose between reality TV and good TV.

I am getting too worked up about this reality TV crap, so I will stop now. Whoa, it seems as with every time I write praising TV I end up stating how much I hate reality TV.