Saturday, April 30, 2005

Homer Simpson - Blogger

Okay, I dont know how many of you watch the simpsons, but there have to be a few people out there who have seen every episode.

If you have seen most episodes then you must have seen the one where homer gets a website and calls himself Mr. X. Tell me what you think, but I think that his website was a blog. Just the way he set it up and kept updating like that seems like a blog.

Furthermore, they predict the whole media vs. bloggers thing in a sense that when his site became famous kent brockman came on tv and said watch tv for the real news.

Any comments/thoughts?

pssst... i just found this entry in someone's blog about homer simpson using tabbed browsing.

Dale on king of the hill is also a blogger.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Politics vs. Pop Culture

Though I do not live in USA I will use it since many people do not know Canada's politicians and musicians. Dont take this as an attack on your country, just a thought I had.
Who is bigger, eminem or george bush, green day or george bush? (both green day and eminem chosen for their outspokenness against bush). Say george bush was walking down the street with eminem, secret service is out getting lunch, and someone pulls out a gun. There is a normal everyday 20-something person in the streets of New York that sees this, who is he going to jump in front of? Who is he going to save?
Essentially I am asking which is more important, which is bigger, which do people care about more, a musician or a politician?
Now just thinking about this it will not really work, since many people would not save bush because he is bush, and some of the people who would save eminem over bush would save kerry over eminem, so i guess this is not a fair question. Well, the theory was there.
Now in terms of Canada, who is more important, billy talent or paul martin? does anyone know either of those people?

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Firefox vs. Internet Explorer

I don't know how many of you readers also look at my flickr photostream, but here is a picture I made when I got bored yesterday.

I dont know about you, but I like it, and it only took me a few minutes to make. I am also in the process of trying to get a friend to give the fox jaws and take a bite out of the e.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Tiger Leaked.

According to Engadget someone has leaked Mac osX Tiger.
Personally I am not a mac user [though I wish so much that I was] but this has to be a huge problem for apple.

The Engadget post can be seen here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Flickr Pro.

Well, i guess everyone already knows about the flickr upgrades so i will not waste your time rewriting them, they are there.

i would, however, like to say how much i love flickr, oh god how i love flickr. If flickr was a person i would... well lets not get into that, but lets just say that it would be happy afterwards.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Random Facts.

The other day a friend linked me up this site, which is possibly one of the funniest things I have ever seen. (edit: by ever seen, I really mean in the past week)

Take a look at this.
(keep refreshing to get a new fact)

People just submit any funny thing they can think up that pertains to Vin Diesel, this has lead me to believe that half of the people writing stuff for this site should be writing TV shows and movies.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Future President.

Okay, so we all know that president bush has an iPod, and apparently it is filled with illegal music.

DISCLAIMER… I have no political views…AT ALL, I flat out don’t care who is running USA (not like I care who is running Canada either) I just thought I would say this before I post what seems like a political post (though it is not really).

This means that the new democratic candidate has to have the following things… an iPod, filled with illegal songs, a PSP, and (s)he has to pirate DVD’s. Not to mention (s)he has to have a powerbook/iBook.

Hmmm… that would give them some good PR. I wonder if the next president will be a blogger?

RIAA vs. Internet2

So there is this thing called Internet2 (I am sure most of you have already heard about it) that is so much faster than our current internet, but it seems as id the RIAA wants to stop that. Due to the fact that this super-high-speed internet is much better for P2P the RIAA doesn’t like it.
It seems to me that they are stopping technology from proceeding (I have had many a conversation with my father about how DRM is stopping technology from moving on).
The RIAA is suing users of Internet2 because they are filesharing. It is best summed up in this article from BoingBoing.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Last week I wrote a post entitled Cool Advertising in which I went on about some cool commercials, one of which being an acid trip of an adidas commercial. I posted a link to it where you had to go through the adidas website, which was hard, and well, I found a new link to the clip by another site.
The commercial can be viewed here.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Firefox Extensions.

Recently I got some new Mozilla Firefox extensions, so I will take a bit of time to talk about how good they are.

The first one is TabbedBrowser, it doesn’t do a lot, just enhances the tabbing feature in firefox (which is one of the best features I have ever seen). It adds a new tab and close tab button, and has settings so you can have it open links from another program in the same tab or in a new tab or such. This is a simple but incredibly useful extension.

The next one is SessionSaver, and I think this is actually the best thing next to tabbed browsing in general. SessionSaver does what the title says, it saves your current firefox session, tabs and all. My computer crashes a lot, and this saves the session no matter what, even if firefox crashes this will save the session, tabs and all again. It is insane, no matter what it saves all the tabs you had open and re-opens them the next time you open firefox. It doesn’t matter if your computer crashes, reboots, or shuts down, this one still saves all your open firefox stuff (I don’t usually use multiple windows, but I think if it all crashes when you re-open firefox it opens all the windows. Honestly this is one of the best features I have ever seen.

I don’t know how you use firefox (tabs or windows) but I know while using tabs, these are two of the best extensions ever. Sorry but I couldn’t find the links, but here is the firefox extensions page.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Bring Back The Pope

Okay, so apparently this guy plans to build a time machine so he can go back to 1981 and prevent the pope from being shot, thus extending his life and he would still be with us today.

Link to Bring Back the Pope.

He is asking for your donations so he can buy a flux capacitor and complete his time machine. Check the Progress on this machine. He also has some Merch for sale/you get it when you make a large enough donation. Oh man, this site is hilarious.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Waiter Rant.

To anyone who reads this:
I have found one of the best personal blogs I have ever seen. This is called Waiter Rant. [note that it is so good it is even on my links sidebar].

It is basically this guy who works in a restaurant and he basically posts some of the funny/stupid stuff that happens to him while at work. This is a definite must read, as I said it is one of the best personal blogs I have ever seen.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Cool Advertising.

Okay, I am officially obsessed with the new addidas commercial for their new intelligent shoe. This commercial is intense, something along the lines of the writers taking acid then thinking this idea up, it is friggin incredible! Even the music that is synchronized with is suits it perfectly. You can view the commercial here. (but when you click the link you have to go 'enter website' then scroll over the shoe at the top and a menu will come down, on the right - view the TV ad. I said the commercial was great, not the website). Its not that I even know why I really like this commercial, I just find it amazing and spectacular.
Next is the new iPod Shuffle, this one is similar to the original iPod commercials with the silhouettes and all, but it seems cooler for some reason, unexplicably but incredibly cool also.
Finally is the most recent Dr. Pepper commercial, it is about this guy who is doing all these annoying/stupid things for his wife (i.e. buying her tampons and going to yoga with her) and throughout the whole thing he is drinking a Dr. Pepper and shrugging everything off and the sone 'anything for love' by meatloaf was on, then they are on the couch and she reached for the Dr. Pepper and he just books it, runs out the door and that is when the tempo of the song changes, this commercial is flat out gold.
That is all for now, but I advise the marketers to make cool commercials like this, I am not going to forget these, or the product they advertise.

Monday, April 04, 2005

New Services.

Recently I have picked up a few new services that I have been using, and I find them good enough to suggest to others...

The first of which is Skype, it has been around for a while now and I finally got it. I am getting tired of msn and am still awaiting the release of google messenger (praying it will come soon). But for now I have Skype, its an im client that has an incredible voice option within it. This is a sweet program that can be downloaded at The Skype Website.

Next is the new yahoo!360, right now it is invite only (I have a lot of invites, contact me if you want one) but it is pretty cool. I guess it is a lot like MySpace but it seems to be better (in my opinion). If you want in you can email Me, just put the subject in the email as yahoo 360 invites.

The final one for now would be 43 things. This is a website that is like a personal to do/goals list. Its a pretty cool little tool that just lets you post things you want to accomplish.

Thats all for now, but there are a couple other things I'm working on right now and I will post them as I see fit.

start more soon.

well, I am soon coming into more time for this kind of stuff, so i will be updating this a little more. I have so many of these things that i should update more but i nevr get around to all of them, well i think i will have a little more time to do stuff like this with school coming to an end and all.
i think i am up to about 10 accounts that i am trying to update constantly, between flickr, all my blogger things, yahoo!360, 43 things, and all this random stuff, holy crap, if i didnt use the same sign-on name for everything then i would be lost so bad.