Saturday, January 29, 2005

Annoying Censorship

I don't see why all the music channels feel the need to censor half of a rap song, there is no point to censoring a synonym to a drug or gun. I just watched a video by The Game called How We Do and there is about 150 words blanked out that are by no means swearing, ie purple haze, rocks... can't remember much more, but about 95% of the words that were censored are by no means cursing. I know they have to censor the real swear words (which I am completely opposed to them doing) but I have no idea why they have to censor all this other crap, anyways, we all know what they are saying. I once tried to start a list of all the mindless words the music channels censored in rap videos but I gave up because there were too many, I didn't want to spend the whole video writing words down; I crumpled the paper up and threw it at the TV when they censored the word green, it wasn't even sticky green or something. People are so stupid, no one should be sueing over words like that.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Television, oh how I love the...

I love TV, I am addicted, it is one of the best things on the planet, and what makes it so good is some of the programs that us it as a medium. I find that a) ALL REALITY TV SUCKS and b) a good TV show is a scripted TV show that applies to real life, and has much comedy in it. Shows like seinfield, you can be doing something and you will realize that it relates back to seinfield, that is the signature of a good show. Your basic sitcoms which made up TV in the '90's were great, now the networks are flooded with so much reality tv crap that I can turn to any basic channel any night of the week and see some form of a reality tv show on between 8:00 and 10:00, it is sickening. I pride myself in the fact that I watch NO reaity TV, none what-so-ever. There is always a good re-run on some other network. Reality TV has taken so much out of TV that on any given night there is not enough sitcoms to get me through primetime (8:00 - 10:00), I mean I also watch CSI and such, but I cant watch TV without seeing so much crap that isnt worth watching. It used to be that every night of the week I could watch solid primetime shows, now I am lucky to get 1 or 2 a night. This is where I tell the networks to ditch the reality tv and get some scripted shows. Even shows like The OC (which I dont like, but have respect for because it is not reality), but I wish there was a show even half as good as seinfield to look forward to each week. My sitcoms I watch weekly consist of Still Standing, Scrubs, That 70's Show, and Joey, they are all good shows but all fail in comparison to Seinfeld. I wish they would have sitcoms like that of the past, shows like Sienfeld, The Drew Carey Show, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Fraser, Home Improvement, and even Roseanne or Friends, I would gladly watch re-runs of these shows the rest of my life as opposed to reality TV. Even going back a few more years, shows like Three's company, Gilligan's Island, I would watch those all the time. Then there are the cartoons, The Simpsons is still running strong, I have taken to King of the Hill recently, I am estatic at the fact that Family Guy is coming back, Futurama should never have been cancelled, and South Park is one of the best shows ever. period. This is it, this is what TV has come to, mostly watching re-runs and stuff, but soon enough all the sitcoms will be gone, and I will have all the seasons of my favourite shows on DVD, that will cause me to cancel my cable, what is the need for it if all the good shows are gone, and if I have all the re-runs on DVD anyways. So I guess the cable companies better get on the networks back about getting some decent shows, or else the anti-TV pro-DVD revolution will begin...

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

GTA San Andreas cheat codes - Engadget

This is just nuts.

I remember thinking it was some kid, this is just nuts though.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Bad Advertising

In my opinion the best way to sell something to a customer is NOT to annoy them, that it why I do not get those radio and TV ads that annoy the listener/watcher. I am talking specifically about those ads which include an annoying noise such as an alarm clock buzzer or something. The broadband internet people are also big on annoying ads, they can make a dial up internet noise sound 100 times worse than it actually does. I am not going to buy a product from a company with such an annoying ad campaign, the goal of advertising is to attract people, not annoy them.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

My Future House

My House...

I think i need to pick up this crib, who wants to lend me the coin?

Friday, January 14, 2005

curiously strong music

curiously strong music - hack a day -

Officially the second trickest mp3 player 'on the market' [using that term cautously].

New Shades

Motorola and Oakley teaming up on Bluetooth sunglasses - Engadget

Motorola and Oakley rockin the bluetooth shades...
p.s. love the pic engadget used... haha.

I Hate Pop Culture

As much as I despise pop music, it is everywhere, and therefore I am force to hear about the ‘beef’ between Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan. This is when I realized that they don’t hate each other as the media says they do; their PR people push this ‘fight’ because they see the publicity 50-Cent gets from his fights with Ja Rule. Those girls are just tools anyways; they can’t sing [cough::Ashley Simpson::cough] and are just a way to suck money from the parents of ignorant young girls [and some guys… not that there’s anything wrong with that].
By the way I am doing a running tally of people who watch Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan music videos on mute, so leave a comment if you do.

"Smart" Cars

Mercedes-Benz has been bringing their co-brand Smart cars to North America, and I have heard that the base price is in the $26000 (CAD) range. Who would buy this crap? It is smaller than a Geo (in my opinion one of the worst cars around) and it is more expensive than some of the decent/good new cars on the road (not to mention what you can get used for that much coin). Furthermore it looks like crap, it’s not the worst looking car out there but it is in contention. But the biggest problem is the fact that these awesome new cars which pride themselves in safety are good in Europe, but with the high population of SUV’s in North America it can’t be that safe, lets say you are driving one of those things and you have a little collision with a H2 – if you hate those go here – you will be destroyed, a Smart car vs. an H2 is almost certain death. [My guess, no matter how safe it is it can’t be that good]. You can be an environmentalist without buying this overpriced crap.

International Incident

Wha could be considered an international incident, prince harry wearing a nazi costume to a party, could have all been avoided if the prince watched south park. Anyone who watches South Park would remember the episode where Cartman dressed up as hitler for Halowe'en, that episode taught [the dimwitted people who didn't already know] that it is wrong/taboo to dress up as a nazi. If only the prince had watched South Park the mishap could have been stopped. By the way, he should know that he is a political figure, like it or not, and he should not do that [nobody should, but political figures more so]. Who let him out like that; doesn't he have people to tell him not to do that? This would also be a chance to tell people to watch South Park, it is a great show.

Got an old mac?

Macquarium Picture

Did you upgrade to a new mac and you dont know what to do with the old one? Build a macquarium. (just google it for instructions).

Thursday, January 13, 2005

MSN Screenname Etiquette

I am an avid user of MSN Messenger and there are just a few things that tend to annoy me when I am using it, mainly people with annoying MSN screennames. After seeing these names for a while I have decided to make my own MSN screenname etiquette, this is more a set of guidelines for me to use but I wouldn't be mad if it caught on.

-Avoid using own name.
-Avoid heavy, useless punctuation as in ~~;:--=+^^*`§§§(anything that needs a keypad to produce), however ... is good, a good rule of themb is to NOT have more punctuation than letters.
-Avoid useless emoticons, however if it is useful then use it (as in lyrics & the music symbol and such).
-avoid showing emotion, it makes you look shifty...
-nicknames are good.
-inside jokes are good, but to a point.
-Try to stay within the english language (since I speak english).
-avoid countdowns.
-dont have pointless crap, try to make it interesting.
-dont be an attention whore, meaning dont make a screenname that you want people to ask about.
-lyrics are always good.
-quotes are awesome, funny stuff is always the best.
-dont talk about other people even if you dont say their name, we all know who you are talking about.
-the goal is to make people laugh.
-innuendos work most of the time.
-dont use words like lol, lmao, and such, they are annoying enough in the conversations. (however I myself use them too much).
-and the thing I hate the most, if you are leaving your computer, why set it to away, just set it to appear offline, it works way better.

These are my general rules/guidelines for msn screennames, i dont expect anyone to follow this, but that would rock. By the way, if you have another idea for a rule feel free to post is in the comments.

Microsoft vs. Apple

this is the reason i hate microsoft and am buying the mini mac. Posted by Hello

I'm Addicted

this is what consumes the free time in my life, i am addicted, get this game, trust me, go download the trial version now.. get elasto mania here! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Testing Photoblogging...

This is testing the photo thing and this is a pic of a civic that is screwed, he is plowed in on the snowy day in december Posted by Hello



this is just a test to use the blog this function so i figured i would link up one of my favourite sites.

Allow me to re-introduce myself...

Got a new blog. Will try to keep this one going. Random crap, life, electronics. Gonna try this for the blog this thing, blog random things that I find on sites.

Here is the first entry:

So I am in this Latin American Liberation Theology class, whoa, i am not fit for that class... Oh man, they are all like "how can we save the poor people in latin america" and I'm sitting there thinking "help them, why, I've got better stuff to do" They seem to care, whereas I don't. I should have known when the class was in St. Paul's College.